Easy and Creative Stop Motion Animation Techniques
18.45 // 0 komentar // the writer // Category: animation , claymation , creativity , stop motion animation // stop motion animation is very creative hobby. It is also very inexpensive to start, and you can probably do it without any cost at all. All you need is a typical digital camera, some basic software, and a few ideas. Here are some thoughts and tips to get your creativity flowing in this hobby.
When you think about doing some kind of animation you have to think outside the box and realize that just about anything at all would make a good case. I have to think about the fact that just about any medium will work well also.
Two-dimensional Ideas
Working in two dimensions gives you plenty of creative and inexpensive option. You can simply draw pictures on paper, and then delete them redraw to show the movements that you want to do. alternative to the deleting is to draw a series of images on separate sheets of paper and photo individually. It can give you excellent results, but it is very difficult to be sure to stay clear images without sliding track which make it very jerky and shaky.
a great way to draw a picture to use some kind of erasable surface. This tends to be much easier than drawing pictures on paper and two excellent environment for this are the dry erase boards and panels. This makes it very easy to delete the drinks of your drawing and re-drawing motion. I highly recommend using a dry erase board, if you want to get some great looking animation, and if you have some skill in drawing.
Draw pictures of characters and objects and then cutting them and using them in animations is a great way to get very creative and very expressive animations. There are two important additions you can make this style of animation. You can cut the drawing into segments to show motion. example of this would be to draw the human form and then cut it into its various components such as arms, legs, head and torso. This way you can move them individually as much as human actions. Another way to improve is to cut out the drawings of the same object more drawings to show movement or rotation. A good example of this would have to face. You would attract more persons, such as the one with the mouth closed and an open mouth. So you can alternate between the drawings and simulate a conversation.
Three-dimensional Animation
There are some exciting opportunities available to you when you start thinking about animation in three dimensions. A first place you can start it with clay or Play-Doh. If you do not have any of these materials can easily make some of the flour, salt and water. Another very simple but very expressive technique is the use of wires. You can easily be formed into figures and objects. It holds its shape and still be easily manipulated in the simulation of movement. The wire is so effective that it is often a framework through which many modern figures are made. This technique is called using a wire armature.
Action figures and dolls make great entertainment items as long as you are moving your joints and body parts so that they can articulate. But I do not have to stick to it. Just about any three-dimensional object can be used in interesting ways. You can draw little eyes, nose and mouth and then connect to any subject and come up with interesting anthropomorphic little project. You can even carve out potatoes or apples and get some great videos. And just moving objects around can be a source of some interesting videos. Watching moving furniture room can be a good idea or watching things move a table can also be interesting.
Animate yourself and real world is also a fun way to access a hobby. If you stand at attention and take a picture then move forward six inches, stand at attention and take another picture you can get to the big series of pictures that show you magically slide around without moving the legs. You can also do the same thing to jump into the air and snapping pictures of themselves. Move forward six inches, jump, and snap another picture. With this technique you can create an animation that shows floating around.
Some final tips
Do not forget your camera. If you really want to do your animation in particular should move the camera as you take your series of pictures. You can do any zooming in and out or strength from side to side. This movement of the camera is no one best way to make your animations stand out.
While the media use for your animation is very important and can turn an ordinary animation into something special to look at you should put some time and thought into the story of the animation. This is what can turn into something truly remarkable. Surprise your viewers and keep them guessing about what will happen next.
Just about anything in your world every day can turn into something extraordinary with a bit of animation magic and a little creativity. Just look around your house and you will discover lots of great ideas.
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