Asian Ginseng - Medicinal Uses, Interactions, Side Effects, Dosage
20.57 // 0 komentar // the writer // Category: asian ginseng , asian ginseng medicinal uses interactions side effects dosage , clinical trials , dosage , interactions , medicinal uses , panax ginseng , side effects //Asians, Chinese, Korean, or "true" ginseng are all common names for the Panax ginseng, is one of the world's oldest known herbal remedies. For Panax of Greek origin and means "all-heal" and encouraged for panacea. In Chinese, "ginseng" (schinseng) refers to the human figure-shaped root, which is believed to suggest a powerful properties. White ginseng refers to the unprocessed dried root, red ginseng refers to steamed root, which is red or caramel color.
Uses and Benefits:
Ginseng has been used for thousands of years in Asian countries to boost energy, relieve stress, improve concentration, and improve physical and cognitive performance. It is claimed that the general strengthening, tonic or adaptogen, which restores the balance of the body, improves stamina and increases resistance to stress and disease. Among many other claims, ginseng is also recommended as an aphrodisiac, for cardiovascular disease, to prevent or cure cancer and prolong life. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is used to restore the vital life force (Qi or chi) in the body. Asian ginseng is considered more stimulating or heating (yang), , while American ginseng is considered more calming or cooling (yin).
triterpenes saponins, commonly referred to as ginsenosides, are considered to be the main pharmacological ingredient P. ginseng. least 30 of these steroid compounds are described, based on their sugar side chains. The most numerous and important are ginsenosides Rg-1, Rg-2, RB-1, Rb-2, Rc, Rd, and RF. As lipid-soluble steroid hormone, ginsenosides can be inserted into cell membranes and membrane channels interacting with the protein, or transverse membrane to initiate genomic effects. In addition, polysaccharides, polyacetylenes, and other non-saponin components P. Ginseng have pharmacological activity.
Hundreds of in vitro and animal studies, mostly from Asian and Russian literature, investigated the biochemical and pharmacological activities of P. Ginseng, and many properties are described. For example, pharmacological effects on the cardiovascular system (anti-ischemic, antiplatelet, vasodilatory), endocrine system (hypoglycemia, ACTH-stimulated), the immune system (immunostimulatory, anti-inflammatory), and the nervous system (CNS stimulation and inhibition) have been reported. Cytoprotective, cognitive and anticarcinogenic activity also was charged. Cytoprotective effects include resistance to ischemia, toxins, oxidation, and radiation.
Clinical Trials
Fifty-seven randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were found in a systematic review of clinical literature world tours, but many have significant methodologic shortcomings. Chinese and Russian literature are particularly unreliable as a method ologic quality, flawed criteria, and publication bias are common oncerns.Therefore, double-blind RCTs in American and Western European literature, with statistically significant results are discussed here. Most of the best European RCTs using pro-prietary product (G115, standardized to 4% ginsenosides) or as a mono-preparation or a combination product that contains a blend of vitamins and minerals (sometimes in combination with deanol, or dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate).
physical performance, many controlled studies were reviewed. Eight double-blind RCTs evaluated chronic doses of standardized ginseng products in volunteers to cycle Ergomo-ters four trials found a significant decrease in heart rate and increased maximal oxygen consumption, while the other four trials found no improvement. Evaluation of these studies do not suggest that ginseng significantly improves the physical performance.
-cognitive functioning in two separate RCTs, G115 preparations increased ability to perform arithmetic calculations (without impact-ing other cognitive abilities), while 16 different ginseng products en-hanced abstract thinking and auditory reaction time (without affecting the memory or concentration) Y combination product G115 improved cognitive functioning in middle aged patients with mild memory impairment, but failed to improve cognition in geriatric patients. The combination of ginseng / ginkgo preparations is ambiguous effect on memory (positive effects after lIlorning doses, but adverse effects after the afternoon dose). Overall, these studies do not indicate a consistent use of memory, concentration and cognitive function.
. Quality of life (QOL)-Several placebo-controlled trials are uvaluated G115 product mix on the overall QOL (ie, wealth) over several months. One group of studies found no overall benefit of using two QOL questionnaires in healthy adults, using a three QOL scales for measuring welfare and menopausal symptoms in perimenopausal women. Benefits have been found in some subsets of questions. Other RCTs also railed find a statistically beneficial effects on QOL, somatic symptoms, symptoms, and activities of daily living, or mood and affect. In contrast, beneficial effects have been reported in two RCTs evaluating G 115 product combinations to stress or fatigue patients. The study examined patients diagnosed with "functional fatigue," sig-significant reduction in fatigue score was seen after 6 weeks of treatment. The 625 ", stressed, tired or" adults, QOL was significantly improved significantly in relation to vitamin and mineral ingredients themselves. All in all, it is not consistent benefit on QOL was seen, although the effectiveness May be better to "tired" of patients.
Immune Function-immunological effects were evaluated in three RCTs more than 2 - to 3-month study periods. In healthy Thai students, no changes were found in total and differentialleuko-cytes, or lymphocyte subsets. In contrast, the G115 has been reported to increase the number of white blood cell activity, NK cell activity and T-Iym-phocyte quantity and activity in healthy adults. In another RCT of 227 volunteers, the same investigators, G 115 significantly reduced significantly the incidence of colds and flu (13% in the gin-Seng group versus 37% in the placebo group), and increased antibodies.
. Endocrine-in 8-week RCT of 36 type II diabetics, 100 or 200 mg / day (probably Asian) ginseng product improved level of fasting blood glucose and HGA 1 c levels (200-mg dose only) compared to placebo. However, the lack of reported data make these research results are difficult to analyze. G 115 products did not affect blood glucose levels measured as a secondary outcome in the September-arati trial of 60 healthy non-diabetics. The significant increase in sperm count and motility, and serum testosterone, FSH, and LH were reported in an uncontrolled study of 66 men. However, controlled studies have failed to confirm these effects. No hormonal effects were found in a RCT of 384 peri-menopausal women with hot flashes, based on levels of estradiol, the levels of FSH, endometrial thickness, and vaginal cytology and pH [22]. Testosterone level was also unchanged in the 3-month RCT of 90 men with only psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Although improvements have been reported in subjective erectile function tioning, this study did not appear to be double-blinded.
. Miscellaneous-Ethanol consumed with 3 g Korean gin-Seng fell serum alcohol level in a small study, presume-ably by increasing the clearance of alcohol in the blood. In 24 patients with chronic viral hepatitis, non-, 3-month RCT found peddling your product EF-G115 combination on the liver tests. In three epidemiological studies from Korea, ginseng use was associated with reduced risk of certain cancers (head and neck, gas-trointestinal, liver, pancreas and lung). Epidemiological studies can not confirm causality, however, all three surveys were conducted by the same research group.
adverse effects:
side effects appear to be mild and rare, and usually are similar in the placebo-controlled clinical trials. Rare distinctive reactions have been reported, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and cerebral arteritis. Estrogen-like properties such as vaginal bleeding and mastalgia associated with ginseng use in isolated reports.However, cause and effect relationship is questionable, as well as controlled clinical trials of standardized products is not proven that the hormonal effects. Many of these reactions are most likely due to forgery or contamination of an unrelated plant or drug, which is well described with many Asian herbal medicines.
CNS stimulation and "ginseng abuse syndrome (hypertension, nervousness, insomnia, skin eruptions, and morning diarrhea) are described in 10-20% of chronic ginseng users in an uncontrolled study of psychiatric patients in 1979. These side effects were observed in controlled studies, and this "syndrome" is probably non-existent. However, several Asian ginseng supplements are reported to contain significant amounts of methylxanthines, and CNS stimulation have been reported with ginseng use in other psychiatric patients.
side effects and interactions
Asian ginseng appears to inhibit the effects of warfarin in one patient, although no interaction can be detected in the rat model. Ginseng combination products are loosely associated with manic or stimulant effects in two patients taking phenelzine, monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Overall, the interaction does not appear to be a significant problem, but data is limited.
falsification or contamination with drugs (eg steroids, stimulants, sedatives), pesticides and heavy metals is well described in many Asian herbal medicines, and especially care for pregnant and lactating women. Although caution in the use of ginseng during pregnancy and breastfeeding is desirable, in a survey of 88 women who consumed ginseng during pregnancy, reproductive outcome was not different from matched controls. Not mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic or adverse reproductive effects were seen in animal models.
Preparations and Doses:
Ginseng is commercially available in whole or powdered root, in capsules and tablets, and teas, candies, and many other forms. In traditional Chinese medicine, 10 g or more may be employed, usually in combination with other herbs. In Western herbal medicine, 1-2 g / day of crude, or pow-taka root preparation is usually used.Commercial product extract (standardized to 4% ginsenosides) are usually dosed as 100 mg b.Ld., which is equivalent to about 1 g / day Roop proprietary ginseng extract tested in many controlled trials (G115, standardized to 4% ginsenosides) on the market in the U.S. as Ginsana and products in combination with vitamins and minerals as VITASANA (Pharmaton Natural Health Products).
The American Botanical Council Ginseng Comprehensive Assessment Program recently analyzed 13 commercially available "standardized" Asian ginseng products for many-to-lot consistency. Most products are reasonably consistent, but ginsenoside content of several products was more variable.
Abstract estimate
Asian ginseng is claimed to have multiple pharmacological and clinical effects, most of which are founded in rigorous controlled trials in Western literature. Although some controlled studies reported the potential benefits, and many others offer contrasting results and thus provide little convincing evidence. overall evidence does not support claims that Asian ginseng can reliably improve physical performance, cognitive functioning and quality of life. Beneficial effect on fatigue, diabetes and viral URI were observed in one or a limited clinical trials, but in general, the effectiveness of Asian ginseng is not established beyond reasonable doubt for any indication. Side effects seem to rare.Although millions of people are ginseng daily for years, suggesting that it is very benign, forgery or contamination of Asian ginseng products with undesirable substances in the relationship.
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