What is a Cat Whisperer?
14.02 // 0 komentar // the writer // Category: cat therapist , cat whisperer , whisperer //What is a cat whisperer? Well, you've heard of "Dog Whisperer", is not it? animal whisperer is anyone that has extensive knowledge, training and genuine love for these animals to where they can completely relate to them in the most intimate level. They are confident and very sure of himself. You might think that someone rescuing a cat a cat whisperer, but there really is more. Anyone that food and welcomed all the cats from miles around will then be considered a cat whisperer, and it's just not so.
There are some people that cats are naturally attracted to and will keep coming back to them and even food. Cats are very intuitive animals and attracts people to give off some kind of aura that is comforting, soothing and overwhelming for them. This is not really different from how certain people attract each other due to personality similarities, and emotional occasion. Cats and dogs know who's love for them, and who is not so they tend to gravitate towards those who do. I know for myself, I can not resist seeing a kitten hanging on a sidewalk or patio.
There are many cats who have been abused and abandoned and do not trust their instincts to find out who is a good man and that is bad. These are very special cases in which a true cat lover and trainer will be so useful. As with humans, these poor abused animals need to learn how to trust again and that only comes from time and a little cat therapy, if you will. cat therapist, also known as cat whisperers, has the gift of knowing how to communicate with these creatures, and sometimes without saying a word. It seems as if they are not doing anything at all. A therapist uses body language to communicate with her patients and using the cat instinct and bonding capacity, a cat therapist can teach her students how to trust and love again.
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